Monday, May 14, 2012

Ask A Mexican (2008)

Title: Ask A Mexican (2008)
ISBN: 978-1416540038
Non Fiction
Author: Gustavo Arellano
Editorial: Scribner

Well, as a good fan of the OC Weekly I had to support the local talent. It's not a great book, but it's fun to read. The author grew up in Anaheim/Fullerton, so many of his stories revolve around local places I'm familiar with. 

Goliath (2012)

Title: Goliath (2012)
ISBN: 978-1770460652
Fiction / Graphic Novel
Author: Tom Gauld
Editorial: Drawn and Quarterly

Well, this is a sad novel... poor Goliath stood no chance. If God was just he would've spared Goliath's life, even if it as just on this version of the story. Good, short read. 

Los De Abajo (1997)

Title: Los De Abajo (1997)
ISBN: 978-0140266216
Author: Mariano Azuela
Editorial: Penguin

The Original Sherlock Holmes (1976)

Title: The Original Sherlock Holmes (1976)
ISBN: 978-0890090572
Author: Arthur Conan Doyle
Editorial: Castle Books

El Futbol A Sol Y Sombra (2004)

Title: El Futbol A Sol y Sombra (2004)
ISBN: 978-9682325304
Author: Eduardo Galeano
Editorial: Siglo XXI Ediciones

Nunca me habia imaginado que el futbol fuera tan bonito como se registra en las paginas de este libro. Recomendadisimo!

Cronica De Una Muerte Anunciada - 2003

Title: Cronica De Una Muerte Anunciada (2003)
ISBN: 978-1400034956

Author: Gabriel Garcia Marquez 

Editorial: Vintage

Me encanto este libro, me recordo mucho al estilo de escribir de Juan Rulfo.